Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Enthusiastic supporters

Out of all the campaigns this year, Ron Paul really seemed to have the most enthusiastic supporters, while holding single digits in primary polls. Rudy Giuliani, meanwhile, lead national polls, yet he had some of the least enthusiastic supporters. Why is this? Has anyone figured this out?


Checco said...

I really don't know. Anyone figures out?

About Ron Paul, what will be his political future? Is the presidential campaign the beginning of something or it is just a remarkable end to his long political carreer?

RC-0722 said...

It's the underdog theory.

Diligent Terrier said...

Because he's a libertarian, I guess he attracts a younger crowd, which may just be naturally more enthusiastic...

Checco said...

Any ideas about Ron Paul's political future?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is because he's a libertarian appealing to a younger crowd, but it's also because he is the real candidate of change. Sure, Obama's not your usual politician, but he still fights for Democratic Prinicples, and Rudi Giuliani... well, he almost fights for Democratic prinicples too, but my point is that everyone else is still talking the same party politics. Ron Paul, on the other hand, is something completely different. I think in a few elections Paul, or someone like him, will have a very real chance at the presidency, even if he runs as a third party candidate.