Friday, June 6, 2008

New Blogger and Obama's VP?

Hey, this is ComputerGuy890100, also from Wikipedia and I will be writing in this blog alongside Diligent Terrier, Checco, Orderinchaos, and RC-0722. This is my first post and I hope you like it!

Obama's VP/Running Mate

Sen. Barack Obama (D) recently became the presumative Democratic nominee by earning enough delegates. As said before, John McCain hasn't chosen a running mate and we made a poll for you. The same is to say for Obama. We might put a poll up if approved, after this poll is over.

Hopefully, the vice president that Barack Obama chooses, become a candidate in the 2012 or 2016 election for President. Maybe John Edwards?


Diligent Terrier said...

Good job! Check your email, too.

RC-0722 said...

John Edwards would be the likely choice for VP

Diligent Terrier said...

I don't think John Edwards will run as VP again.

RC-0722 said...

He might. You never know...

Anonymous said...

Wow ... this looks like a very intelligent discussion going on here.

Andrew Biddinger said...

Hey, great blog!!
We must stand for America and conservatism. Go Mike also!!
Check out my blog.

RC-0722 said...
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Checco said...

We should start a poll (or two polls) on Obama's VP...

RC-0722 said...

Yes we should.

Diligent Terrier said...

Yes, I agree. What should the choices be?

Diligent Terrier said...

Jim Webb, Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Sebelius, Ed Rendell are a few that are talked about.

Checco said...

I would choose between those listed at

I would say Wesley Clark, Ted Strickland, Kathleen Sebelius, Jim Webb and Ed Rendell, not mentioning Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, for the two polls on Obama's VP.

In any case I think that Obama is thinking also about John Kennedy's daughter as his running-mate.

therequiembellishere said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diligent Terrier said...

Created the poll yesterday.

RTh said...

I'm thinking Webb. He wasn't among the poll choices.