Friday, June 6, 2008


Well folks, it's official. Clinton is conceding saturday at 12:00 PM (EST). Which can only mean one thing: Obama's got the nomination. The two have met somewhere in D.C., but (to my knowledge) have refused to divulge what their meeting was about. Some have speculated it was an offer for the Vice presidency, but I fel that is highly unlikely. Now the big question is, Who will be Obama's running mate? Wil it be Clinton? Or will it be John Edwards?


Diligent Terrier said...

I don't think he'll pick John Edwards.

RC-0722 said...

Why not?

Diligent Terrier said...

He is remembered as a losing candidate, although that may help Obama with Southern voters.

RC-0722 said...

That's why Obama wants him

Orderinchaos said...

Some have suggested Bill Richardson, the Latino governor of New Mexico. Heard that one on NewsRadio this morning here in Australia.

RC-0722 said...

Never heard of him

Diligent Terrier said...

You've never heard of Bill Richardson? Well, I'm not all that suprised, but he was one of the final four candidates in the Democratic primary. I think he dropped out after New Hampshire.

Checco said...

I don't think that Obama will choose either Edwards or Richardson: they are both seen as unsuccessful candidates. He will definitely choose a white Southerner or a Governor of a swing state, anyway.

Diligent Terrier said...

He also will probably pick someone with more experience. Chris Dodd or Joe Biden, maybe? Or have they just been around for too long.

Diligent Terrier said...

I wouldn't be too surprised if he picked Hillary Clinton.