Sunday, August 3, 2008

Comments from a new editor

Just thought i'd introduce myself a little before I get started here, i'm Cyclonenim and i'm a British student, hopefully going off to study Medicine in about a year's time. As you can imagine, i'm interested in the whole 'Britain' and 'Medicine' topics, so i'll be keeping you informed a tad on issues within these realms—particularly the National Health Service (NHS).

As a starting question for any Brits out there:

"Do you believe the British government has the capability to reform the NHS?"

I'll leave this one open for now, I'll probably give away my opinion on the matter in future posts. All the best—Cyclonenim


Diligent Terrier said...

I'm not British, so I can't tell you. Sorry!

Xp54321 said...

Welcome to WikiPolitics Cyclone! Sorry but I'm not British! :P

Cyclonenim said...

I'm starting to get the feeling this is mainly an American site at the moment, anyway! ;) But hey, i'll try and keep you all informed with what the British press is saying about the American elections.

therequiembellishere said...
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therequiembellishere said...
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Cyclonenim said...

Yeah, the NHS is the National Health Service which provides completely free healthcare (whoops did I say completely? I mean mostly, dentistry still costs you money, as does plastic surgery and pointless procedures)

I kind of prefer it to the U.S. system, I couldn't imagine having to pay for an operation which could really improve my quality of life.

I might make a post on the whole Georgia thing soon, it's blowing really out of proportion.

RC-0722 said...

Well, I'm not British but I am intersted in British politics!

Cyclonenim said...

I find it so much more dull that U.S. politics. Everyone hates Gordon Brown except me is what I've learnt. I think he's doing a decent job considering how shit the world is right now.

therequiembellishere said...
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Anonymous said...

Ah, the British Government! What can I say? Confusing. In America Conservative and Liberal mean very different things than in Britain. I find myself split fifty-fifty by your politics.

But individual issues I can have opinions on. Can the NHS be reformed? How about should the NHS be reformed? Government healthcare just doesn't work as well on the whole, so I say forget reform, start privatizing it (like the parts you have to pay for up front anyways.) By the way, in any country with taxes, can you really call government services free?