Saturday, November 28, 2009

11 months of "Obamanation" and...

The "change" that Obama promised is far from reality! The economy isn't any better, and so far the Democrats have done nothing to make it any better other unleash this "stimulous" package (which hasn't improved the economy in anyway as far as I can see, and will likely worsen it in reality), play around with health care reform (aka Obama Care or just dictatorship in the health care industry), and of course blame Bush and the private sector. The liberals say "give Obama a chance, he's only been in for 11 months," but the problem is that they're not even trying. If Bush was such a bad president, why did he have a higher approval rating at this time in his administration than Obama does? Apples to apples people, compare apples to apples.


Chet Long said...

Why did Bush have a better approval rating? 9/11, it was actually what kept his ass in office for so long. Obama has only been in 10 months, and guess what, we're out of the recession that Bush pulled us into, and if the health care bill gets passed we'll have an even smaller deficit in a few years. Get off the couch, stop watching Fox News, and look around. Yeah we have a horrible unemployment rate, but whose real fault is that? Bush's, he was the one who created this; you can't blame the current president for the last president's problems. Obama is simply trying to fix this shit.

Hell if Bush hadn't gone to Iraq, we would have already finished in Afghanistan, and we wouldn't have a 12 trillion dollar deficit. Just try and find something that Bush did, or ever suggested that would have gotten us out of this horrible deficit.

Anonymous said...

If Bush hadn't gone into Iraq, we'd all be dead or speaking Arabic. But I'm not going to argue that Bush was the best president ever (Reagan anyone?). But he was better than what we have now.

Chet Long said...

"If Bush hadn't gone into Iraq, we'd all be dead or speaking Arabic." - Holy fuck, have you gone mad? Saddam Hussein didn't have Nuclear Weapons, there was no way he could have effected any part of the World other than the people in his own country. That was the whole reason we entered Iraq. So you're saying that invading a country based on bad intelligence is something we should do all the time? That my friend is insane, and shows how misinformed some of the public is nowadays.

You might be able to say that Obama hasn't done a lot yet, but what has he done that makes us any worse? Nothing. Bush on the other hand got us into a 12 trillion dollar deficit. Yeah real conservative.

therequiembellishere said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey! It lives!


Anonymous said...

Go Lemon Bay !!! Go! Go! Go!


~~~Go Lemon Bay !!! Go! Go! Go!~~~

Go Lemon Bay, it's probably better than whatever school you attend, which is why you are trying to make them look like idiots by posting those kind of comments!

And the proposed healthcare reform is a BAD idea; it's a move towards socialism, and in a socialist society, there's no one to regulate business because the government, who operates great organizations like FDACS and the FTC in our working capitalist system, owns all of the businesses!

therequiembellishere said...
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